Saturday, February 1, 2014

And now the waiting begins...

Hello again.  We are at that moment that all expectant parents arrive at....we wait to meet our children.  It seems as if time just crawls by, so we have to keep our minds and our bodies busy as we prepare to double the size of our family.

The weather seems to be forcing us to stay inside, which keeps us on task.  We have almost finished the girls room with the exception of adding a few small things.  For the boys room, we still have to paint and put up some storage items, but everyone has beds, so that is something we can check off the list.

We have spoken to a number of families that are 6 or larger to get ideas on meals, organization tips, traveling, etc.  We have enjoyed trying out some traditional dishes from our children's birth country.  There have been a few that are easy and inexpensive to make so I believe they will become regular staples!  I have done some research and have started stocking up on canned goods and non perishables from Costco.  We want to try and have some ingredients on hand so we can easily adjust in those first few weeks home.

We would like to ask for every ones thoughts and prayers for some families with our agency who are traveling to Eastern Europe this week and in the coming weeks to get their children.  They have waited a long time and we pray that their stay in country and journey home is safe and without difficulties.  We have loved living vicariously through them as they have paved the way for us and others to come.

I would also like to ask you all to pray for a local adoptive mom who is having surgery this week.  She will be in the hospital for a few days and we pray her surgery is a success and her recovery quick.

Until next time..... 

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